planting seeds

continuing education

here i will be documenting my process of learning game dev, as well as musings on games i like. i've wanted to make games for a long time. gaming has always been a big part of my life. this learning process will start with me trying my hardest to learn Pico-8. i tried to learn once back in 2020 when i lost my job, but the process was overwhelming, and i felt like i made absolutely no progress. so i'm giving it another shot. i will share progress, code and hopefully a few Pico-8 carts eventually.


yesterday i purchased space cat's Pico-8 noob to pro course. i enjoy the content space cat puts out on youtube already, so i figured what better way to support them, and myself, by purchasing their course.

so far, i quite enjoy the course. i'm only in the very beginning, having just started the game dev cookbook section. i've just hit the collision section, and i gotta say that up until this point, i felt like i was understanding everything pretty well. lets just say collision and my brain aren't getting along just yet. i'm planning on reviewing the collision course material a few times, but this is definitely the first "skill check" for me.